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About Testino's Painting & Home Improvements

We are a painting, contracting, and home improvements company, owned by Jim Testino. We offer Interior and Exterior Painting, Power Washing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Finished Basements, Additions, Custom Trim, Flooring, Clean Outs... You Need It, we do it! Both commercial and residential. Always done on time, and within your budget!

Our Process

Here is a quick rundown of our process, so you as the customer, knows what to expect from day 1 until completion.


As our first step, we will make sure to contact you within 24 hours of your initial message/call to us.

In-person Appointment

Next, we will schedule an in-person appointment to meet you, and to see/discus your project.


We will provide you with a detailed quote for your project.


We will schedule a date and time to start your project. 


We will then create a contract to discuss what we are supplying, your payment (cost and plan), and schedule (start and end dates). 

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Several days prior to the scheduled start date, we will contact you to verify start date and time. 

Start Work

We will then start your project, and continue until completion.


Apon completion, we will do a walk through with you (the customer) to make sure you are happy with the outcome of the project.

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Our Quality Guarantee

We guarantee your project will be completed within your budget, on time, and handled with professionalism.

Tell us about your project today.

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